Star: Jared Leto grabbed a strippers neck while she gave his brother a lap dance

Posted by Lorie Orum on Friday, April 19, 2024


In previous Jared Leto stories, I’ve seen that some commenters have referenced this story, or stories like it. But this is the first time I’ve ever seen it printed in a tabloid. Star Magazine has an interview with a woman claiming that Jared Leto acted… inappropriately with her many years ago, when he was dating Cameron Diaz. God, how long ago was that? Let me look… Camy and Jared dated in the early aughts, roughly 1999-2003. She dated him right after she was done with Matt Dillon and just before she started up with Justin Timberlake. So, yes, we’re talking about an incident that took place more than a decade ago. Here are the basics:

Former adult-film star Vicki Marie Taylor claims that Jared Leto is very kinky, after spending an evening with him in Little Rock, Arkansas. Vicki was appearing at a strip club when a roadie for Jared’s band, 30 Seconds to Mars (which was playing at a nearby college) invited her and three other dancers to a post-concert get-together one night in April 2002. At the time, Jared was in the middle of a three-year relationship with Cameron Diaz.

“The other girls and I stripped down to bikinis and hung out with Jared and the band backstage,” Vicki, now a mainstream actress, tells Star. “After a while, Jared invited me onto his tour bus. His brother, Shannon, the band’s drummer, was already on it and the three of us were the only people there. I gave Jared a lap dance for just a minute, but then he asked me to do the same for his brother, who was sitting on a cough. As I started to dance for Shannon, Jared suddenly grabbed me around the throat from behind and said to me, I can reach pure sexual enjoyment in 30 seconds just by looking into your eyes.’ Obviously it was kind of weird situation.”

Jared sat back down and watched Vicki lap dance his brother for 10 minutes, she claims, then the interlude ended when a roadie announced it was time for them to leave for their next gig.

“Jared is one of the stranger guys I’ve ever met… and at the time, I couldn’t stop thinking, ‘Is this how he acts with Cameron?’”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

What’s creepier, that he grabbed her by the neck or that he wanted to watch her give his brother a lap dance? For me, the neck-grab is disgusting and the brotherly lap dance is just creepy and gross. Now, do you believe Vicki Marie? Considering this is not the first whisper I’ve heard about Leto’s need to grab someone’s neck… I kind of believe it. Plus, as Bedhead points out, Jared does do the “looking into a girl’s eyes” pick-up often enough. He was doing that throughout the awards season. Lord. I hope Lupita Nyong’o stays FAR away.


Photos courtesy of WENN.
