Chicago Justice Recap 5/7/17: Season 1 Episode 12 Fool Me Twice

Posted by Tandra Barner on Saturday, May 11, 2024

Chicago Justice Recap 5/7/17: Season 1 Episode 12 "Fool Me Twice"

Tonight on NBC their new drama Chicago Justice airs with an all new Sunday, May 7, 2017, episode and we have your Chicago Justice recap below.  On tonight’s Chicago Justice season 1 episode 12 as per the NBC synopsis, “A man is shot multiple times and left for dead, and a kilo of diluted heroin is found in his car. Antonio investigates and discovers other similar cases where murder victims were found with the same type of adulterated drugs.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our Chicago Justice recap.  While you wait for the recap check out all our Chicago Justice spoilers, news, photos, videos, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s Chicago Justice recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Chicago Justice begins tonight with Laura Nagel (Joelle Carter) rushing to the hospital to be with her friend Lizzie who’s brother Eric has been shot 3 times and they are not sure if he will make it. Laura leaves as soon as Lizzie’s boyfriend, Manny arrives, telling her to call her as soon as Eric wakes up.

Nagel arrives at the crime scene, they found 7 casings around his bullet riddled car. She pauses when she sees the blood on the cracked windshield. Dt. Ken Banks (Dylan Walsh) introduces himself to her and Dt. Steve Kim (Tim Kang) from narcotics. She is confused why they are there but quickly learns they found a kilo of heroin on the floor of Eric’s car.

Nagel returns to the ASA office, sharing the case with Peter Stone (Philip Winchester). She tells him that Eric Cates was her confidential informant. She shares it was Eric’s information that helped convict a felon, Jason who ran the Death King’s stash house.

Stone wonders if Jason put a hit out on Eric from Statesville and Nagel tells him Jason’s kid brother Jerome runs the crew now and she believes he figured out Eric was her C.I. Stone tells her it is a CPD case now but she presses the issue saying its people like Eric who put their lives on the line to help them; Stone tells her to see what she can find out but to stay out of the cops’ way.

Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) learns from Laura Nagel that they could work the investigation; before Dawson could question her she asks if he is coming. They go to see Jerome at his car dealership where Nagel tells him they could look through his books to see if he is laundering money or he could answer a few questions.

Jerome swears he is no longer in a gang since they put his brother, Jason in prison. He also says he hasn’t see Eric Cates in a few years; Nagel doesn’t believe him and suggests he gets the books. Jerome, again says he is not involved and Eric worked for his brother but if Eric was hijacked it was from Ricky Marscak’s (Benjamin Magnuson) crew.

Dt. Banks informs Nagel a good Samaritan came in saying he witnessed the shooting; he didn’t see Marscak but he say a red Chevy and with the red Chevy and drug heist, they immediately felt it was Ricky Marscak. Dt. Kim comes out of the interrogation room saying Marscak claims he was banging some babe whose name he didn’t get, until 3 a.m.

Nagel enters the interrogation room and reveals that Eric Cates is still alive; Marscak says that is a good thing so Eric can confirm he didn’t shoot him. She leaves the precinct and returns with Antonio to the hospital. Eric swears the heroin in his car was not his. He says he was going home and as he was driving on a one-way street a car came towards him, 2 guys got out but he couldn’t see their faces because the lights were shining in his eyes. He reversed the car and doesn’t remember anything else. He says he couldn’t see anything but if the car was red, he would have known.

Anna Valdez (Monica Barbaro) is surprised they have a witness since it is such a rarity. Nagel finds the witness statement a bit suspicious since he said there was only one guy and Eric says there were 2. He mentioned the red Chevy but Eric is sure he would have remembered that; the problem is the witness doesn’t even have a parking ticket so he is a model citizen.

Antonio and Nagel return to the crime scene and decide to see Jerry Burrows, the witness but when they arrive at the apartment, his son, Bobby (Garrett Young) says his father is out driving as he is a cab driver. At lunch, Nagel questions why Burrows went to narcotics instead of going to the closest precinct which was only a couple blocks away.

Antonio suggests Nagel is too close to the case and can’t see things clearly. She shares that she grew up with Eric and when her dad had drank too much, his mother took her in. Antonio shares that Jerry may be clean but his son has been arrested twice for intend to distribute and 6 months ago he was arrested for statutory rape of a 15-year old. She wants to know why he wasn’t in prison and Antonio learns the same day the charges were dropped, cocaine charges were filed by Dt. Banks and Dt. Kim.

Banks and Kim quickly share they felt Bobby was a minor leaguer and they felt he would be better help to them on the street. Banks insist that Bobby became an informant for them once they let him go. Nagel finds it a huge coincidence that their CI’s father is a witness to a shooting they are investigating. Kim gets very angry that they are implying they are lying. Nagel and Antonio return to question Jerry Burrows who insists he saw the red truck and rushes back into the house.

Laura goes back to the hospital and Eric tells her is she wants him to say it was red, he will say it was red. She backs off and starts to reminisce about their childhood. She apologizes for putting a target on his back. He sticks to his story that the heroin is not his.

Antonio and Nagel review the case with Stone and Anna; he tells them the heroin was only 10% pure so he went through cases similar to this one, all involving murders and he found 3 cases with no arrests; all 3 happened in the past 24 months but has the same gang connection, the 23rd Street Jokers who are still in a turf war with the Death Kings. All 4 shootings are on Jason’s orders and all 4 are being investigated by the same detectives.

Anna is shocked Banks and Kim are covering up the murders and Nagel suggest maybe they are doing the killings themselves. Stone tells them to not get ahead of themselves and the first thing they need to do is prove Jerome knew Eric Cates informed on his brother.

Eric never told anyone he snitched and suggests someone found out on their end. Nagel asks for protection for Eric while she meets with his sister, Lizzie. Laura finds out that Lizzie told her boyfriend, Manny about them.

Nagel questions Manny, who reveals he owed Jerome 10 grand and shared that he had a friend who had a good thing with the ASA office and he could hook him up if he needed something. She wants to know if he mentioned her name, when he says no, she tells him he will be charged with conspiracy to commit murder; he chokes and admits he told Jerome her name. Nagel and Antonio return to the Ferrari dealership and she arrests him.

Stone observes as Nagel and Antonio interrogate Jerome. Nagel plays him saying they have Banks and Kim’s statements claiming they were following his orders on the other murders; Jerome is shocked they turned on him, but his attorney tells him to be quiet. Jerome wants a deal but is told they can’t give him a deal. Stone comes in and offers him a deal: 1 murder, 1/3 of his sentence. Against his lawyer’s advice, Jerome takes the deal.

Antonio arrives at the bar where Banks is seated, they talk about a bust they did years ago. Antonio remembers wanting to be like him. Meanwhile, Nagel arrives at Kim’s home, who is eating dinner with his family; he attempts to close the door but she holds it open as 2 police cruisers arrive to take him. Once she has him in custody she calls Antonio, who orders Banks to stand up and leave like they are friends or he is going to arrest him in front of all his “fans”. Outside stands, Mark Jefferies (Carl Weathers) and Peter Stone.

In court, the judge hears about the detectives decorated work history but Anna shares they are both charged with four violent felonies, paid assassins. She gives them $250,000 bail each.

Both attorneys meet with Stone and Anna, saying they shot to kill when Cates came racing towards them in his vehicle. Stone says they took off leaving Cates for dead; the attorney says they panicked. They are willing to plea to leaving the scene, when Anna says Jerome will testify he hired them, they scoff that he is an infamous gangster who will say anything to save himself.

Anna sees Forensics who cannot verify how far they were when they shot at him but there is gunshot residue in the detectives’ car. When Anna sees the dash cam in the car, he tells her that the camera was never turned on, it turns on a minute before the sirens are turned on, but can’t explain how it works.

In the office, there is audio recording of the detectives preparing and then shooting Cates; apparently they didn’t know the recording starts as soon as the siren is hit. Anna explains that she realized the camera is always recording because there is no way for it to know when a siren would happen. Stone is impressed with her work and tells her to make copies and send to the defense counsel.

In the judge’s chambers, the attorneys, Stone and Anna listen to the audio. The judge tells them to start talking deals but one protests saying the police needed a warrant to bug their own vehicle so this recording is against their 4th amendment. The judge says the recordings are admissible.

Dt. Kim’s attorney comes to Stone’s office and explains what was really going on with him, his partner and Jerome. Kim says he will go to jail for as long as they want, but he wants his family to be relocated and kept safe and he will be willing to testify to everything. Stone offers him life in prison and he says whatever.

Jerome takes the witness stand, revealing he paid Detective Banks and Detective Kim twenty grand for each murder. He admits to taking a plea deal. The defense attorney talks about him pinning Cates’ shooting on Rick Marscak and now he says he did it, so everyone should assume he would say anything to save himself. Cates admits he was a drug runner for the Death King’s but has been clean for over a year after he was arrested and agreed to be an informant.

Detective Kim is on the stand as the court room hears the recording of him and Detective Banks. He reveals how they took all the cases making sure no one else would investigate. He says Banks suckered him into it and they didn’t care about the killings because they were just killing gang-bangers. The defense lawyer says he can’t use his greed as an excuse to kill.

At a bar, Stone learns Banks’ lawyer is putting him on the stand the following day and isn’t sure society can really convict him. On the stand, Banks says he went along for the ride as Kim was the lead detective on every case. Stone asks him if this was all for the greater good, he agrees it was his job to do that. He says the killings had nothing to do with any investigations but a cop never stops being a cop. Stone asked if the money was just a tip?

Banks says Cates deserved to die because he did business with a gang member. Stone questions that by asking about him taking the money from Jerome. Banks remains silent. Closing arguments are completed and the jury finds Detective Banks NOT guilty of all 4 murder and attempted murder counts.

Nagel chases after Cates who quickly leaves the court room. He shares had he gone to jail for the burglary he would have gotten out of jail 6 months ago. She promises they will protect him btu he doesn’t believe her.

