
Posted by Florance Siggers on Saturday, May 11, 2024

conversion - a number used to change one set of units to another, by multiplying or dividing12 Hour Clock Conversion

Free 12 Hour Clock Conversion Calculator - This calculator performs the following two conversions:
1) Takes a time in 24 hour clock (military time) format and converts it to a 12 hour clock format (AM/PM)
2) Takes a time in 12 hour clock format and converts it to military time (12 hour clock format)

165cm in ft

Using our [URL='']linear conversion calculator[/URL], we get: [B]5.41339 feet[/B]

A 2-quart carton of sour cream costs $7.96. What is the price per pint?

A 2-quart carton of sour cream costs $7.96. What is the price per pint? Using our [URL='']conversion calculator[/URL]: 2 quarts = 4 pints $7.96/4 pints = [B]$1.99 per pint[/B]

A 3-gallon bucket of paint costs $87.12. What is the price per quart?

A 3-gallon bucket of paint costs $87.12. What is the price per quart? 3 gallons equals 12 quarts with our [URL='']conversion calculator[/URL]. We divide 87.12 for 12 quarts by 12: [URL='']87.12 / 12[/URL] = [B]$7.26 per quart[/B]

A bicycle wheel is one meter around. If the spikes are 4 centimeters apart, how many spokes are on t

A bicycle wheel is one meter around. If the spikes are 4 centimeters apart, how many spokes are on the wheel altogether? 1 meter = 100 cm per our [URL='']conversions calculator[/URL] 100 cm for the whole circle / 4 cm for each spike = [B]25 spikes[/B]

a lion can run 72 feet in one second how far can the lion run in one minute

a lion can run 72 feet in one second how far can the lion run in one minute? Using our [URL='']time conversions calculator by typing [I]1 minute[/I] into our search engine[/URL], we see: 1 minute = 60 seconds So 72 feet per second * 60 seconds / minute = [B]4,320 feet / minute[/B]

A Septonian said that his exact weight is 250.346 pounds (base 7). Translate this into base 10.

A Septonian said that his exact weight is 250.346 pounds (base 7). Translate this into base 10. Start the conversion: 2 * 7^2 + 5 * 7^1 + 0 * 7^0 + 3 * 1/7 + 4 * (1/7)^2 + 6 * (1/7)^3 2 * 49 + 5 * 7 + 0 * 1 + 3/7 + 4 * 1/49 + 6 * 1/343 98 + 35 + 3/7 + 4/49 + 6/343 [B]133 & 181/343[/B]

A tree is 23.1 feet tall. What is its height in meters ? Use the following conversion: 1 meter is 3.

A tree is 23.1 feet tall. What is its height in meters ? Use the following conversion: 1 meter is 3.3 feet 23.1 feet * 1 meter / 3.3 feet = [B]7 meters[/B]

Area Conversions

Free Area Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts between the following area measurements:
square inch
square foot
square yard
square mile
square millimeter
square meter
square kilometer

ASCII and Text Conversion

Free ASCII and Text Conversion Calculator - This converts a string to ASCII or ASCII to a string.

Base Change Conversions

Free Base Change Conversions Calculator - Converts a positive integer to Binary-Octal-Hexadecimal Notation or Binary-Octal-Hexadecimal Notation to a positive integer. Also converts any positive integer in base 10 to another positive integer base (Change Base Rule or Base Change Rule or Base Conversion)

Base Conversion Operations

Free Base Conversion Operations Calculator - This calculator allows you to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two numbers with different bases.

Coin Denomination Conversions

Free Coin Denomination Conversions Calculator - This caculator converts between the following coin denominations:
* Penny
* Nickel
* Dime
* Quarter
* Half-Dollar
* Dollar

Computer Storage Conversions

Free Computer Storage Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts between the following computer storage measurements:
* byte
* kilobyte
* megabyte
* gigabyte
* terabyte
* petabyte
* exabyte

Daniel's gas tank holds n gallons of gas. How many pints does the tank hold?

Daniel's gas tank holds n gallons of gas. How many pints does the tank hold? Setup conversion: 1 gallon = 8 pints n gallons = [B]8n[/B] pints

Determine a conversion ratio that could be used to convert miles to inches

Determine a conversion ratio that could be used to convert miles to inches. We know that 1 mile equals 5,280 feet. We know that 1 foot equals 12 inches. So 1 miles = 5,280 feet * 12 inches per foot= [B]63,360 inches[/B]

Five one -foot rulers laid end to end reach how many inches?

Five one -foot rulers laid end to end reach how many inches? Since [URL='']1 foot = 12 inches from our conversion calculator[/URL], we have: 5 feet = [B]60 inches[/B]

Frequency Conversions

Free Frequency Conversions Calculator - Converts between the following frequencies:

Hour and Minute Conversion

Free Hour and Minute Conversion Calculator - Converts Hours and Minutes to Hours for things like timecards and such.

how many nickels are there in 10 dimes

how many nickels are there in 10 dimes Using our[URL=''] coin conversions calculator[/URL], we see that: 10 dimes = [B]20 nickels[/B]

If a pound of coffee costs $4, how many ounces can be bought for $1.80

If a pound of coffee costs $4, how many ounces can be bought for $1.80 Using our conversion calculator, we find [URL='']1 pound [/URL]= 16 ounces $4 per 16 ounces = 4/16 [URL='']We can simplify this fraction[/URL] to 0.25 per ounce We take our 1.80 divided by 0.25 per ounce 1.80/0.25 = [B]7.2 ounces of coffee [MEDIA=youtube]5eZAav1drX0[/MEDIA][/B]

If a rock rolled n meters, how many decimeters did it roll?

If a rock rolled n meters, how many decimeters did it roll? Setup conversion 1 meter = 10 decimeters Therefore, n meters is [B]10n[/B] decimeters

In 1996 Ato Boldon of UCLA ran the 100-meter dash in 9.92 seconds. In 1969 John Carlos of San Jose S

In 1996 Ato Boldon of UCLA ran the 100-meter dash in 9.92 seconds. In 1969 John Carlos of San Jose State ran the 100-yard dash in 9.1 seconds. Which runner had the faster average speed? We [URL='']convert yards to meters using our conversion calculator[/URL] and we get: 100 yards = 91.44 meters Now we set up a proportion of time per meter: [LIST] [*]Ato Boldon: 9.92/100 = 0.992 per meter [*]John Carlos: 9.1/91.44 = 0.995 per meter [/LIST] [B]Since Ato Boldon's time was [I]less per meter[/I], he had the faster average speed[/B]

International Unit ConversionsFree International Unit Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts between the following weight measurements:
* International Units (IU)
* mcg
* mgJuly has 31 days how many seconds are there in july

July has 31 days how many seconds are there in July Using our [URL='']time conversion calculator[/URL], we get: 31 days = [B]2,678,400 seconds[/B]

Linear Conversions

Free Linear Conversions Calculator - Converts to and from the following linear measurements for a given quantity:

Liquid Conversions

Free Liquid Conversions Calculator - Takes a liquid measurement as seen in things like recipes and performs the following conversions: ounces, pints, quarts, gallons, teaspoon (tsp), tablespoon (tbsp), microliters, milliliters, deciliters, kiloliters,liters, bushels, and cubic meters.

Ordered Pair

Free Ordered Pair Calculator - This calculator handles the following conversions:
* Ordered Pair Evaluation and symmetric points including the abcissa and ordinate
* Polar coordinates of (r,θ°) to Cartesian coordinates of (x,y)
* Cartesian coordinates of (x,y) to Polar coordinates of (r,θ°)
* Quadrant (I,II,III,IV) for the point entered.
* Equivalent Coordinates of a polar coordinate
* Rotate point 90°, 180°, or 270°
* reflect point over the x-axis
* reflect point over the y-axis
* reflect point over the origin

Pressure Conversions

Free Pressure Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts between the following pressure measurements:
in. Hg
in. water
mtorr or micron Hg
Pa or N/m2
PSI or lb/in2
torr or mm Hg

RGB and HEX conversions

Free RGB and HEX conversions Calculator - This converts HTML colors from RGB (Red, Green, Blue) to HEX and HEX to RGB (Red, Green, Blue) as well as calculate the Hue.

Roman Numeral Conversions

Free Roman Numeral Conversions Calculator - Converts a Positive integer less than 4000 to a Roman Numeral.
Converts a Roman Numeral with a positive value less than 4000 to a number.

ROT-13 Conversions

Free ROT-13 Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts ROT-13 (rot13) (rotate by 13 places) notation to standard notation or standard notation to ROT-13 notation.

Speed Conversions

Free Speed Conversions Calculator - This converts between the following speed measurements:
* mph
* ft/s
* km/h
* m/sec

Stoichiometry Conversion

Free Stoichiometry Conversion Calculator - Converts between molecules, moles, grams

Temperature ConversionsFree Temperature Conversions Calculator - Performs the following temperature conversion measurements
* Fahrenheit (F)
* Celsius (C)
* Kelvin (K)
* Rankine (R)
* Newton (N)
* ReaumurThe earth makes a full rotation in 24 hours. Jupiter takes approximately 58 days, 15 h, and 30 min t

The earth makes a full rotation in 24 hours. Jupiter takes approximately 58 days, 15 h, and 30 min to complete a full rotation. How many hours does it take Jupiter to complete a full rotation? Show your work using the correct conversion factors. Convert 58 days, 15 h, and 30 min to hours. [LIST=1] [*]Type [URL='']58 days[/URL] into the search engine to get 1,392 hours. [*]Add 15 hours to get 1,392 + 15 = 2,007 hours [*]Now convert the 30 min to hours. [URL='']Type 30 minutes into the search engine[/URL] to get 0.5 hours [*]Add up (1), (2), and (3) to get 1,392 + 15 + 0.5 = [B]2007.5[/B] hours for a full rotation. [/LIST]

Time Conversions

Free Time Conversions Calculator - Converts units of time between:
* nanoseconds
* microseconds
* milliseconds
* centiseconds
* kiloseconds
* seconds
* minutes
* hours
* days
* weeks
* fortnights
* months
* quarters
* years
* decades
* centurys
* milleniums
converting minutes to hours

Trig Angle conversions

Free Trig Angle conversions Calculator - Converts between degrees, radians, gradians, revolutions, and quadrants.

Unit Conversions

Free Unit Conversions Calculator - Converts between a unit, pair, half-dozen, dozen, bakers dozen, and gross.

Weight Conversions

Free Weight Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts between the following weight measurements:
* Ounces (oz.)
* Pounds (lb.)
* Tons
* Milligrams (mg.)
* Grams
* Kilograms (kg.)
* Centigrams (cg.)
* Micrograms (mcg.)
* Stone

You are purchasing carpeting for an office building. The space to be carpeted is 30 feet by 50 feet.

You are purchasing carpeting for an office building. The space to be carpeted is 30 feet by 50 feet. Company A charges $2.99 per square foot plus a $200 installation charge. Company B charges $19.99 per square yard plus a $500 installation charge. What is the best deal? Did you notice the word snuck in on this problem? Company B is given in square [I][B]yards[/B][/I], not feet. Let's convert their price to square feet to match company A. [U]Company B conversion:[/U] Since we have 1 square yard = 3 feet * 3 feet = 9 square feet, we need to solve the following proportion: $19.99/square yard * 1 square yard/9 feet = $19.99 square yard / 9 feet = $2.22 / square foot. Now, let's set up the cost equations C(s) for each Company in square feet (s) [LIST] [*]Company A: C(s) = 200 + 2.99s [*]Company B: C(s) = 500 + 2.22s [/LIST] The problem asks for s = 30 feet * 50 feet = 1500 square feet. So we want to calculate C(1500) [U]Company A:[/U] C(1500) = 200 + 2.99(1500) C(1500) = 200 + 4485 C(1500) = 4685 [U]Company B:[/U] C(1500) = 500 + 2.22(1500) C(1500) = 500 + 3330 C(1500) = 3830 Since [B]Company B[/B] has the lower cost per square foot, they are the better buy.
